3 March 2015 • Doha, Qatar – Qatar Petroleum (QP) hosted today a farewell reception in honour of His Excellency Ambassador Abdulaziz bin Ahmad Al-Malki, on the occasion of his appointment as Qatar’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Italy.
The reception was attended by Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the President & CEO of QP, as well as by the corporation’s executive vice presidents, vice presidents, and other top officials.
During the event, Mr. Al-Kaabi hailed the personal and professional qualities of Mr. Al-Malki during his years of service at QP. He also expressed gratitude and appreciation for his valued contributions over the years, as well as his able leadership of several QP joint ventures and subsidiaries.
Prior to his appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Italy, H.E. Mr. Al-Malki served as the Director of the Office of the Chairman of the Administrative Transparency and Control Authority. He started his career with QP with a number of senior positions at various departments. He has chaired the Board of Directors of Qatar Fertilizer Company (QAFCO), Amwaj Catering Services, and Freej Real Estate Company.
H.E. Mr. Al-Maliki was also a member of the Board of Directors in a number of companies like Gulf International Services and Nebras Power. He has also chaired and served as member in a number of committees within QP and in a number of government and sporting bodies.