January 18, 2022: Known for the Vast LNG resources, Qatar has been trying to build an ecosystem to attract world class professionals to setup unique and innovative start-up’s. Spectre LLC setup in Doha, Qatar in 2021 is already pushing the boundaries of High-Performance computing [HPC] available in the region.
‘All businesses have with them different kinds of data which when properly categorized and analysed will provide critical information about the business like sales predictions, product or service which is bringing in the revenue, time at which consumers are buying it, locations from which the sale of this product /services is going on. This data can feed into Artificial Intelligence [AI], Machine Learning [ML], Business Intelligence [BI].’ said Aswathy Anna, CEO of the company. ‘Company has built SPECTRE System which provides Super Computing as a Service [SCAAS]. This allows business to test out the benefits of High-Performance computing at an affordable rate without investing in expensive servers and related infrastructure on premise.
‘Super Computing can drive innovation in the field of Defence, Drones, Robotics, and scenarios which needs fast real time processing of large data.’ added Christudas Dai, Investor and main backer of the company. Company aims to provide customers with the power of an agile, elastic, pay-per-use cloud experience with SPECTRE’s market-leading HPC systems and is Offering FREE Consultancy to help businesses identify High Performance Computing needs, CEO added.
SPECTRE Systems's Super Computing is a cloud based end-to-end solution for High Performance Computing that makes it easier and faster for customers to deploy HPC.